Grades 9 & 10 Science
Courses’ Overview
Students’ spirits of inquiry and creativity as well as objectivity and aesthetic sensibility will continue to grow. At this stage, students are experimenting with different materials. The main categories of Science – Chemistry, Biology, and Physics – will continue to be the basis of the curriculum.
Courses’ Goal
At this stage, the syllabus promotes observation. In the grades leading up to this, students learn to be autonomous learners. This skill is essential to good observing. Students will use the world around them, make observations about it, and then synthesise these observations by recording them. The curriculum will focus on creating opportunities for students to grow in this skill.
ConnectEd’s Approach
One of the greatest benefits of taking tuitions with ConnectEd is our holistic approach to teaching through the syllabus. Our curated curriculum incorporates all major boards’ Science concepts. Every student benefits from our services. Our team focuses on creating spaces for students to observe science naturally at an earlier stage, preparing them well for these levels’ goals. Our teachers use methods such as mind mapping and diagram drawing to help students organize their observations in a natural, systematic way. Furthermore, they use online simulations so students see step by step what’s happening.

Main concepts


Organisation in the Living World

Motion, Force, and Work

Food Production

Chemical Substances

Natural Phenomena

Effects of Current

Natural Resources
